why coaching?

If you’re in the US, you’re probably feeling a lot of turbulence and instability. It’s been a hard 4 years to say the least.

Naturally, we seek tools not only to deal with life’s difficulties, but also to flourish. Maybe you’re in therapy (many of my clients are), maybe you’re into manifestation but the capitalist wellness industry gives you the ick, maybe you’re curious about approaching dating + loving in a conscious way and want to feel that your singlehood is not a problem to be solved…

I’m a firm believer that if you you feel (a) knock on the door, your heart is calling you.

You want to take action steps towards the things you want to do without it feeling forced or mandated. You want to feel more free.

I’ve had my own life radically transformed by one-on-one coaching and group programs. Coaching focuses on where you are now, where you want to go, and how to get there.

Over my 4+ years of my business, I've noticed people are drawn towards me when..

  • They're going through a big life change or transition (think: moving, job change, relationship status shift)

  • They're in a place where they want to be more satisfied with life as a single person and not place their self worth in dating+ relationship status

  • They want to start or pick back up a creative project and are craving support and accountability.

  • They're interested in gaining more confidence in their queerness.

  • They have a lot on their plate and want guidance around how to manage their time.

  • They're navigating family stuff and would like help with setting boundaries.

They've made a lot of progress in therapy in the past and are interested in coaching as a container to set goals with actionable steps.

My intention is for you to feel noticed, seen, heard, felt.

You’re here for big changes. That shit doesn't just happen. It takes courage and support. And it can be FUN. Healing doesn’t have to be so serious. 

AND. You’re already worthy and whole exactly as you are.

Want to work with me?