soul strategy session

Ready to release fear and get focused with a plan for actionable steps to start the new year feeling grounded?

You’re in the right place.

What is the goal of a Soul Strategy Session?

: a careful plan or method

: the art of devising or employing plans or stratagems toward a goal


: full of or expressing feeling or emotion

Strategy sessions can problem solve and spark ideas for innovation that lead to your desired outcome.

A strategy session is a meeting of (our) minds that happens outside of your daily tasks and to-do lists. It’s purpose driven and forward focused. And, because feeling drives many of your life choices, you need to tap into your inner knowing and ask, “What is it that I REALLY want?”

What will your session include?


I ask you to focus on two subjects that you're wanting to come into your life right prior to the session (such as a relationship, a home, a job, how you feel about your body, etc). Having clarity as to what these subjects are will make your session more impactful as they will be the topics that you focus on and share during the session. Truly relish this time you have before your session, for it allows space to reveal deeper clarity. 

We’ll look closely at your current schedule— literally, how you’re spending your time. With that starting point, we’ll see where (if any) cognitive dissonance is happening. AKA are your actions lining up with what you claim you want?

Keep in mind — this is a judgement free zone.

Not doing the things you say you want to do isn’t “bad.” It’s information.

We’ll look at your values and ideal/perfect day. We’ll assess what systems are working for you that you can continue, and what’s clearly getting in the way.

At the end of the session you’ll have a better understanding of the steps to move forward and plan the rest of your year.

Who is this for?

This call is suitable for anyone who feels frustrated or stuck in a rut, and desires a clear plan of action to follow that will get them results. The session is best for people who just need to get the plan and strategy in place but once they have that they feel they can confidently implement it themselves. If you feel like you’ll need more ongoing support or handholding and accountability, this call is the perfect start to consider my long term 1:1 coaching program.

What’s included?

✓ Intake questionnaire accessing where you are and where you want to go.

✓ Pre-call Alignment Assessment to help you clarify your strengths + values

✓ 90 minute call (video or audio- your choice)

✓ Follow up reflection email with detailed notes from the session.

✓ Any further resources I feel might help you (book ideas, podcast suggestions, inspiring social media accounts, and more).

Investment: Sliding scale $150-$350

You’ll be able to send payment of your choice after booking.

Suggested payment is $250. If you’re able to give more, you’ll be providing support to others!